A lunellum is a crescent-shaped knife that was used in medieval times to prepare parchment. The word is derived from the Latin luna (moon) because of its shape. The tool is used for the purpose of scraping off (scudding) remaining tissue from a stretched animal skin that was previously treated, and has its shape to prevent it cutting through the skin.
- Corèdon, Christopher; Williams, Ann (2007). "Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases". Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. Lunellum. Retrieved 2021-03-27.
- "Lunellum knife used on medieval manuscripts". archives.library.wcsu.edu. Retrieved 2021-03-27.
- Corèdon, Christopher (2007). "Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases". Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. Parchment. Retrieved 2021-03-27.
- "Preparing the Skin: The Practical Side of Manuscript Production". lacunamundi. 2013-05-25. Retrieved 2021-03-27.
- How Animal Hides Are Made Into Parchment At The Last Workshop In The US, Still Standing, Business Insider, retrieved 2021-03-27